Tell the DRBC to Put the Brakes on the PennEast Pipeline

The Delaware River Basin Commission rarely takes an active role in the approval of interstate natural gas transmission pipelines. They have the authority, though, and all of the organizations working together to stop the PennEast pipeline have pressured Commission into saying it would conduct a review of the project.

On March 15th, we need a huge crowd at the DRBC meeting in Washington Crossing, PA to let the Commissioners know that the approval process conducted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is seriously flawed and that no public hearings should be scheduled until full, accurate, and honest information has been provided by PennEast.

Here’s how you can get involved!

Three Things You Can Do To Help Stop PennEast:

1. Friday 2/17 or Saturday 2/18 email to say: “I want to testify at the March 15 DRBC meeting during open public dialogue. Topic: PennEast.”

2. Help build the list of deficiencies we will provide to the DRBC by emailing any misinformation or missing information you have identified to

3. Come to the March 15 DRBC Commissioners Meeting to Help Deliver a Community Comment. To receive information in advance about how to prepare sign up at: